Photo of the Month, Jan. 2018


That's always a popular topic of conversation - "What are you going to do in the new year?"

I think people should always try to improve themselves. But what would happen if you were very happy with the way you are? Should you still try to improve yourself?

Physically, no matter what you do, ten years from now you're still going to wish you look like you look right now.

People say eating better is important. I heard a good joke:

Someone said, "You should always eat better." I said, "I always chew my food as much as I can."

I guess the funniest story I ever heard about someone trying to better themselves was from my sister-in-law. She was in a book store, looking for a self-help book, and it fell and accidentally hit her in the eye. (She’s just fine, by the way.)

And to all the people who want to stop smoking - you can start that at any time of year. ...And you should. That's the only product that says it's not good for you right on the front of the label.

I'm at the point in my life that my New Year's Resolution is making it to next year with all the people I care for and love. If you've lost someone near to you this year, my deepest regards.

Here is a New Year's Resolution we should all participate in: Try to be nice to someone you don't know. Now, that does not mean go out and buy them a house or whatever. Just be friendly and kind. I think that's the key to everything. Everyone can be friendly and kind. Hold the door for someone who's walking in behind you. Smile at someone who smiles back at you.

And let's break that terrible stream of consciousness that says every time you see someone, they're always out to get you, or if you do something they'll always come back and get you. I think we have to get back to the mindset where people are always nice until they prove otherwise.

Like I always say, a smile is free.

In closing, I hope everybody has a happy, successful year, and let us all meet back here in 2019.

- Kevin S. Nash

Photo Details: Special Event, 2017


January, 2018


New Year’s Resolutions